Dividend Payment

     Not less than 30 percent of the net profit after allocated of the legal reserve and other reserves each year, if there is no compelling reason otherwise and no impact on its operations significantly, the dividends are paid

YearBook Closing DatePayment DateDividend Payment Total
Stock DividendCash Dividend (Baht/share)(Million Baht)
256626-Feb-6710-May-6725 ต่อ 10.03999999999872.54
256527-Feb-6611-May-6624 ต่อ 10.254629631,222.66
256428-Feb-656-May-6522 ต่อ 10.2548309181,172.65
256325-Feb-647-May-6422 ต่อ 10.1850505051,014.59
256213-Mar-6322-May-6321 ต่อ 10.25291005271,062.61
25618-Mar-6223-May-6220 ต่อ10.2555555551,022.60
25609-Mar-6122-May-6124 ต่อ 10.226296296869.23
255921-Mar-6019-May-6020 ต่อ 10.2155555556788.61
255818-Mar-5918-May-5920 ต่อ 10.09555555555332.94
255724-Mar-588-May-587 ต่อ 10.1587301586483.93
255618-Mar-5729-Apr-576 ต่อ 10.1851851849483.93
255512-Mar-563-May-566 ต่อ 10.01851851852398.46
255426-Mar-5511-May-555 ต่อ 10.2222322.21
255325-Mar-5419-May-542 ต่อ 10.555555556533.33
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