Global House and
Sustainable Development

Operate a business in parallel with taking care to prevent any impact on
the environment by adhering to sustainable resource use guidelines

Policy and Target in sustainable management

         To support target in business operation in respect of corporate governance principle, for sustainable growth, so the company takes international standard guidelines in social responsibility to apply in development to determine a policy for sustainable development operation, in which the company gives the importance for analysis of sustainable context related to internal and external, by analysis the impacts and value creation in order to cause balances cover all 3 respects that is economic, social and environment, subject to the good corporate governance by taking Integrated sustainable development concept in connection with Business Value Chain from procurement, storage, and distribution marketing and selling, delivery and After-sales service.

Sustainable Development Policy

Human Rights Policy
Anti-corruption Policy.doc
Sustainable Sourcing Policy
Code of Conduct for Suppliers
Risk Management Policy
Tax Policy
Environmental Policy
Biodiversity_No Deforestation Policy
Sustainable Packaging Policy
Open letter
Whistleblowing Policy

Sustainable Development Strategy

         Global House operate its business in respect of philosophy, vision and mission of the company to be quality and sustainable growth simultaneously delivery of good quality of life of people in society together with social responsibility “SMART LIVING SOLUTIONS” therefore, to achieve the target set out, the company has established the strategy to reach sustainability as follow;

Materiality of sustainability issues

Materiality Assessment of sustainability issues

         Global House operate its business in respect of philosophy, vision and mission of the company to be quality and sustainable growth simultaneously delivery of good quality of life of people in society together with social responsibility “SMART LIVING SOLUTIONS” therefore, to achieve the target set out, the company has established the strategy to reach sustainability as follow;

Sustainability Materiality Assessment Outcome 2022

Impacts Management toward stakeholders in business value chain

1. Business Value Chain

Value Chain Management

         The company has its intention to be creator of products and services innovation for habitation with supporting and improving the people’s well-being in the society, together with social responsibility (Smart Living Solutions) The company gives the importance to all processes of business both Supply Chain and Value Chain, including operate business fairly and responsible to all stakeholders.

2. Stakeholders Analysis in Business Value Chain

Stakeholders Engagement

         The company has analyzed and identified the important stakeholders include gives the importance to all stakeholders’ engagement both internal and external by communicating and listening its opinions through channels and take into account the stakeholder expectations to properly response their needs and expectations.