Human Resource Management

          Human Resources is important part in business operations to achieve goals and success including competitive advantage and sustainable growth.

Management Guidelines

          The company has intention to manage the human resources according to the good corporate governance principle by determining the personal strategy since recruitment, employee’s development and employee retention together with supporting employees equal for career growth and advancement without restrictions on gender, nationality, and religion. The company emphasizes on Knowledge and ability development as well as encourages employees to be good citizen with volunteer spirit, make public and social benefit following to the Human Resource Management Policy of the company “GBH Smart People”

Performance Summary on Human Resource Management in 2023

1. Employee Recruitments

Freedom of Association

          The company promotes and provides freedom of expression and integration for employees, as well as processes and channels for listening to opinions and concerns through various channels such as the Voice of Employee program, the call center system, and the complaint center. These channels cover various fields, including suggestions and opinions shared through the Welfare Committee, which is considered an important mechanism for employee participation.

          The company has promoted the participation of employees in collective action and has the power to collectively bargain on various related issues. A welfare committee has been established to represent employees in consultations, recommend, inspect, and supervise welfare arrangements, including managing suggestions and issues related to welfare and the working environment.

          The welfare committee will be nominated and selected by electing employees in each branch area, covering 100% of the staff, to act as employee representatives. The elected welfare directors will hold office for a term of 2 years and will hold meetings with branch executives and the company at least once a quarter in accordance with the Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541.

          Currently, the company’s welfare committee covers all branch areas, comprising a total of 83committees and 504 members. By implementing guidelines to improve issues related to welfare and the working environment, aiming to support well-being and enhance the quality of life at work for all employees in a fair and equal manner.

          In 2023, there were approved suggestion issues for additional actions as follows:

  • Employee welfare: 168 issues
  •  Working environment: 103 issues
  • Tools and equipment for work: 17 issues
  • Employee activities: 132 issues

Fair Treatment of Labor

          The company is committed to enabling employees to maintain a work-life balance that aligns with their diverse needs. To support this, the company has established flexible working arrangements, allowing employees to adjust their work schedules to fit their personal requirements. Employees can choose their working hours according to their lifestyle preferences within the timeframes set by the company. Moreover, they have the option to change their work hours every 15 days. The working hours are divided into six time slots as follows: 07:30-16:30, 08:30-17:30, 08:00-17:00, 10:00-19:00, and 11:00-20:00.

          The Company is committed to respect for human rights and fair Labor practice of employees, in alignment with relevant laws and policies under the Thai Labor Protection Act such as employment, wages, working hours, holidays, and welfare, as well as ensuring a good and safe working environment. Anyway, the Company provides the following welfares:

          The company also provides various welfare benefits to employees to enhance their well-being while working with the company, such as paid leave for male employees to care for newborns and family members, financial assistance programs, stress-relief areas, breastfeeding rooms, and various life stability benefits such as Provident funds, life insurance, and financial aid in case of emergencies. 

2. Employees Training and Development

          The company places importance on employee development to enhance their potential and increase efficiency in their work. Content selection for training courses is tailored to align with the nature of the business and is in line with external factors that may impact the business at that time.

2.1 Development and Enhancement Program for Store Managers.

          The company aims to develop and enhance the capabilities of the store management team, which is a crucial mechanism in managing store operations, encompassing both sales and service aspects. Additionally, the company focuses on ensuring the effectiveness and success of the human resources team in each store. The development plans are outlined as follows:

2.2 New Young Management Trainee Program

          The Company promotes and creates opportunities for both fresh graduates and experienced employees who are eager to learn, practice, and develop themselves in the retail business field. This is aimed at enhancing their potential and preparing them for career growth, making them valuable assets for the store management team in the future. 

  • Started program since 2015 until 2023
  • There are 8 classes at present, total 58 participants.
  • Total 19 promoted employees in position of assistant stores manager and other departments.
2.3 Collaboration project with educational institutions.

          The company has expanded collaboration and development to the educational institutions continuously. In 2023, it entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Roi Et Rajabhat University and Mahasarakham Rajabhat University regarding joint production of graduates and cooperative education programs, as well as Cooperative Work Integrated Education: CWIE. By linking classroom knowledge with real-world work experiences within the organization, the aim is to develop the characteristics and skills of students to align with the requirements of business sector. Currently, more than 10 educational institutions from 7 fields of study participate in the support program and collaborate in producing graduates. Over 150 students are involved in internships and experiential learning from actual work environments.

          Furthermore, the company has also engaged in sharing and exchanging experiences related to essential skills and attributes required in current business operations with educational institutions and other interested organizations. For instance, with Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University and Roi Et Rajabhat University, the company collaborates to develop the skills of graduates in various fields to meet the future needs of the business sector.

3. Empoyee Retention

3.1 Compensation and Welfare
  • Reward gold medal to appreciate employees who has taken part to drive the company’s operation more than 26 years for business growth and progress. In 2023, there are employees getting the gold medal with honor card as follow;

          Remark:  Employees who has right to receive rewards need to be in the company’s employee status only as at reward day and counting the years’ experience since the beginning of work with the company.

  • Salary Increment based on areas affected by the government’s minimum wage adjustment in order to be in accordance with laws, be appropriated and fair in the organization. As well as building competitive ability with external labor market.
3.2 Other Benefits

          Beside of fair compensations and welfare for employees, the company also aims for employees having good quality of life and stability by providing credit with low interest rate for employees in order to relieve the financial problems, and liabilities which is important cause of employee’s stress and may affect their quality of life and living including probably reduce the work efficiency. Furthermore, the company encourages the employees having their own residence by cooperating in loan project for employee welfare by the Islamic

4. Evaluation and Employee Engagement

4.1 Performance Evaluation

          The company establishes and formulates a performance evaluation policy, including evaluation criteria, utilization of evaluation results for compensation consideration, and relevant actions. The company conducts systematic performance evaluations, both quantitatively and qualitatively, using consistent standards every quarter through the HR Management system to ensure transparency and fairness. The evaluations adhere to the Management by Objectives as a standard evaluation format and incorporate additional dimensions for different job groups with diverse characteristics.

4.2 Employee's Engagement

          The company conducted an Employee Engagement Survey as a channel for receiving feedback and suggestions from employees. The company analyzed the survey data and results to formulate plans for addressing relevant issues and communicated them to all employees throughout the organization. This aimed to enhance overall satisfaction and employee engagement with the organization. In 2023, the result of the employee engagement surveys has a score equal to 92.93%, higher than the set target and showing an increase of 2.72% compared to the results in 2022. In this survey, a total of 10,223 employees participated, accounting for 94.04% of the total number of employees. According to the survey results, the top 3 crucial factors for employee engagement in their work remain consistent with those in 2022. These factors are a stable and reputable company, proximity of the workplace to home, and a good balance of family time with competitive income, rewards, and excellent benefits. In addition to the above-mentioned crucial factors, it was found that there were additional suggestions and feedback related to various issues. These inputs are beneficial for the company to consider and take appropriate actions, tailored to the specific areas and relevant units going forward.

Employee Resignation: Voluntary Resignation Rate (% of Total Employees)

Voluntary Resignation Rate