Policy and Target in sustainable management

 To support target in business operation in respect of corporate governance principle, for sustainable growth, so the company takes international standard guidelines in social responsibility to apply in development to determine a policy for sustainable development operation, in which the company gives the importance for analysis of sustainable context related to internal and external, by analysis the impacts and value creation in order to cause balances cover all 3 respects that is economic, social and environment, subject to the good corporate governance by taking Integrated sustainable development concept in connection with Business Value Chain from procurement, storage, and distribution marketing and selling, delivery and After-sales service.

Sustainable Development Policy

Human Rights Policy​
Anti-corruption Policy
Sustainable Procurement Policy
Code of Conduct for Suppliers
Risk Management Policy
Tax Policy
Environmental Management Policy
Biodiversity No Deforestation Policy
Sustainable Packaging Policy
Open letter
Whistleblowing Policy
Climate Change Management Policy
Sustainable Sourcing Policy
Sustainability Development Policy
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